New Price and Quotations Map


New Price and Quotations Map

Now Mapaprop has the most useful tool for your real estate business

Finally our Historical Price Map system is available. The tool is top level, allowing you to find prices since 2014 in a database that today has +450,000 records.

Search by parameters, view results on a map, in a table. Access the properties and see the details, and the history of price changes of the property. The tool is very complete.

Mapaprop collects historical value data for properties published in its system since December 2014. This data is captured during Publication, Price change and Transaction Status changes (deal closing).

The consolidated data serves to form an information and search system for statistical purposes of historical prices by zone, type of property, operation, State of the operation, and many other variables, which is just a service to be used by any client of Maprop Plus and clients of Mapaprop Free under the credit system. You can read this help about Information Systems > Price Map.

The result of such a search is the delivery of concrete and hard information, with which certain predefined calculations are performed to deliver 3 concrete pieces of information about your search:

  • General Price Average
  • Average Price per m2 covered
  • Average Price per m2 total
The more you use Mapaprop, the more information you will have available to help you make decisions about the behavior of the real estate market.

The Price Map System includes three modules (click to see the help articles):

Enjoy this tool, and don't forget to give us feedback through the contact means.

At Mapaprop we never stop moving forward. We are at your service!

@ricardoasensio 🤓 & Mapaprop Team

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